
Bookshelf Porn

I'm kind of obsessed with really cool bookshelves. I love to display the books I own and I love walking into someone's house to find they have an elaborate built-in bookshelf or a room dedicated to books. 

I've been in the market for a new bookshelf for a couple months now (because I can't stop acquiring books and they are scattered everywhere.. some still in boxes from the last time I moved) and while I was shopping I stumbled upon Bookshelf Porn, a collection of amazing bookshelves for people who appreciate bookshelves. 

This is almost as good as hot guys reading books


  1. oooooooooooooh, aaaaaaaaah...

  2. I know! Some of them are really great!

  3. OMG I LOVE that! I have a very small, very inadequate bookshelf and would kill for something like that, but only if I could go on a massive book buying binge to fill it. Someday!

  4. Yes I feel the same way... Someday :)
