

I Heart Obama

I've been kind of obsessed with the Obama's lately (thanks Vanessa for telling me to read Dreams From My Father!) and the latest book detailing Obama's presidency is out today: The Promise: President Obama, Year One. It's written by the senior editor at Newsweek, who provides a closeup view on Obama's administration: “There’s no reporter who’s ever been allowed to hang out with him all the time, but I think I got further than most,” Alter says. “This is the first book about this administration to just get a feel of what he’s like, and what it’s like in the room.”

It sounds really interesting and has gotten good reviews.

From the Washington Post: Jonathan Alter has delivered an exceptionally well-written account of President Obama's first year in office. Brimming with fresh and judicious ideas, his book fuses political analysis, subtle insights into the president's mind and policy debates into a fast-paced, crisis-filled story. "The Promise," based on more than 200 interviews with Obama and his close friends and aides, provides an uncommonly candid look inside a somewhat walled-off White House.

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