

I'm on Goodreads!

I'm not altogether sure how it works just yet, and I'm pretty sure I'm the last book blogger to join, but I'm there! How do you find me? I'm not quite sure of that yet either, but you could probably search for me under my username LiteraryMusings. (I think?) 

Since it's the largest social network of readers, I'm happy to finally be a part of it. 


  1. Welcome! I'm sure you'll love it.

    P.S. I sent you a friend request.

  2. Excellent work... Goodreads has come a long way since I joined 4 years ago. I would barely visit it for months at a time, but now I'm addicted again. Hope you like!

  3. Yay! Check out the Quotes section. Any quote you "like" will automatically be added to your profile, so you can find it again easily.

    I'll try to figure out how to friend you. Even though we have never met in real life. haha.

  4. Ugh, I am still just on Shelfari, but maybe it's time to make the change.

  5. Welcome to Goodreads. It's where TNBBC was created and continues to thrive. Maybe you want to join the group (nudge nudge, wink wink)....

    I am more than happy to help you maneuver through it. Just give me a shout. I'm listed as Lori Hettler there. And you can find me under the groups as The Next Best Book Club.

  6. Reading Rachel, Yay!

    zeteticat, Wow I had no idea it's been around so long. I wish I would have joined four years ago.

    fattyreader, I'll be sure to check that out. I love keeping track of quotes.

    historyofshe, I think it might be...

    TNBBC, I had no idea! I will look for your group asap! Thanks for the heads up :) You're also going to be my go to for any questions. Thanks you!

    QuestionableHousekeeping, Great!

  7. Oh you'll love the quote section. It's a great resource. I'll look out for you, too.

  8. I still haven't quite figured out how to use GoodReads but I'll try to find you and add you as a friend!

  9. ahhh, goodreads. i think i've been a member off and on for a few years now, but i can never get the hang of it. when i log in three months from now, though, i will totally be adding you.

    -- ellen

  10. So much to catch up on as I have been away, reading but not commenting here today, until I saw this post. I love Goodreads so off to find you at once.

  11. You are not listed under Literary Musings and there are lots of Brenna's! If you would like to be friends you can find me as LindyLouMac. I hope to see you there soon.

  12. I'm actually not on Google Reads, so you're not the last blogger. I joined LibraryThing long before I started blogging and have stuck with it. I've heard good and bad things about both sites, but nothing big enough to make me want to switch over.
