

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close: The Trailer

Jonathan Safran Foer is really good at writing books people want to turn into movies. I didn't ever see Everything is Illuminated, but I did read it and liked it well enough. This next one though, I'm going to see for sure. Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close is in my top three of all-time favorite books and while I know the movie can't live up to the book's magic, I do hope it comes close. 


  1. Oh my gosh, I just got goosebumps watching that. I know it can't possibly be as good as the book, but I have high hopes! Also, I saw Everything is Illuminated after reading the book and it actually made me appreciate the story more. That never seems to happen, but it was almost easier to follow than the book.

  2. Dang, that trailer made me cry! I loved the movie of Everything is Illuminated, but this looks like it has quite a different tone than that one. I must read this book before December!

  3. Melissa, I should really watch the movie already.

    Shelley, I'll bet the movie will make me cry. You should definitely read it before it comes out!

  4. i enjoy this director, and what a great cast. will have to get to the book before the film. will be sure to have kleenex for both. Like Shelley, that trailer had me tearing up!


  5. Well, I am definitely going to see it, but I am worried! I just want it to be as amazing as the book, but I'm not sure if that's possible.

  6. I'm afraid I got a little tear in my eye while watching that trailer...

  7. Maybe it was U2 singing in the background, but this trailer picked up on a mood that I definitely didn't get from the book. It seems like they've made a feel-good movie out of a complex, emotional book about grief and loss and joy in little things and painful family history. Did anybody else feel this way? I hope they do the book justice. Thanks for posting.
