
Reading in Review: April

Books read: 7

Thérèse Raquin by Émile Zola (1867)
Interpreter of Maladies by Jhumpa Lahiri (1999)
How I Became a Famous Novelist by Steve Hely (2009)

Favorite April read: Norwegian Wood

Authors of color read: 42%

Non-fiction read: 0%

Non-American authors read: 57%

Books read that are older than me: 28%

Compared to last month I did a much better job incorporating non-American authors into my reading diet. I'm going to try and keep this trend up the best I can. (I made a goal last month to keep this number over 50% - let's see if I can do the same for May.) I had a slow start to the month, and then I participated in Dewey's 24-hour read-a-thon and got right back on the horse. I also completed two more books for the Back to the Classics Challenge, which leaves me with three to go.

I just finished Steve Hely's How I Became a Famous Novelist this morning and my review will be up by tomorrow. I just want to say if Norwegian Wood had not been so amazing, Hely's novel would have been my favorite of the month.

photo via weheartit.


  1. Congrats on the 24 hour read-a-thon I don't think that I can do that.But! I read all kinds of books.If the author is from another country ,and there books are in english I get excited to read what's different from the books I usually read.Great blog!

  2. Norwegian Wood is high on my TBR list. My reading ambitions for May are huge, but I really want to get to Norwegian Wood this month.

  3. I think I should read a lot more books written by people that are not British. Blogging has helped me with that as I'm finding out about loads of books I hadn't even heard of before.

  4. F.a.Ellis, Thanks! It was my first read-a-thon and I didn't expect to read as much as I did.

    bibliophiliac, Norwegian Wood is great I think you'll like it.

    Tiny Library, I feel the same way. I've read many books I wouldn't have picked up on my own thanks to blogging.

  5. Congrats on breaking 50% for your non-American authors! I definitely have Norwegian Wood on my TBR list.

  6. *rubbing hands and chuckling in pride*

    I'm very glad you liked Norwegian Wood all that much. You GOT the vibe. I really feel like watching the movie now.

    Good job on the seven novels.

  7. Red, Thanks! It was tougher than I thought. I'm also excited you have NW on your TBR.

    Ben, Yeah you were spot on when you told me I'd love it. I am also desperate to see the movie.

  8. Murakami was your fave? I've yet to read him. I'll make this one my first.

  9. I love your stats. I also want to break out of reading mostly authors who are American.
