
Making time for reading, rest and relaxation

I'm headed out of town tonight to spend some time relaxing with friends at a lake house. Since I haven't had much time to read in the last two weeks, I'm looking forward to hitting On Beauty hard and maybe even tackling another book. I'm going to use this time to "unplug" so it's going to be slow around here for a little while. We'll see you next week.

Image via weheartit


  1. Have a good time reading and relaxing!

  2. Thanks, Alley! I'm looking forward to it.

  3. I haven't read any of Zadie Smith's fiction but I really enjoyed her book of essays, 'Changing My Mind.' You should check it out.

    Enjoy your hols!

  4. Have a good time reading, relaxing and enjoying the real world away from computers.

  5. I really love that photo. I hope you were able to relax and read! I had a week of camping during which I was able to read a book and a half. Considering during normal time I can barely finish one a month, I'm ecstatic! Every book lover needs the rest, relaxation, and escape!
