
JK Rowling's The Casual Vacancy: A Read-Along

Beth at Bookworm Meets Bookworm and I are so excited about the release of Rowling's first novel for adults that we decided to host a read-along! We both knew we'd read it immediately upon its release, so it only makes sense to ask you to join in and read it with us! If you've been living under a rock, the synopsis of the novel is as follows:

When Barry Fairbrother dies in his early forties, the town of Pagford is left in shock.
Pagford is, seemingly, an English idyll, with a cobbled market square and an ancient abbey, but what lies behind the pretty façade is a town at war. Rich at war with poor, teenagers at war with their parents, wives at war with their husbands, teachers at war with their pupils...Pagford is not what it first seems. And the empty seat left by Barry on the parish council soon becomes the catalyst for the biggest war the town has yet seen. Who will triumph in an election fraught with passion, duplicity and unexpected revelations?

As far as read-alongs go, this one will be pretty informal, with just two posts. Since this will most likely be a novel we can burn through, we've allotted two weeks for the schedule. The novel will be published a week from today, Thursday, September 27th. 

The first post will be Thursday, October 4th and will include first impressions and general thoughts, really anything you'd like to discuss is fair game but NO SPOILERS! Since there isn't a set page number you need to get to before the first post, we don't want to ruin anything for anyone else participating.

The second and final post will be Thursday, October 11th when we will wrap up the discussion with our overall impression of the novel. This may include an examination of its themes and motifs, character development, or how you felt about Rowling's first first novel for adults compared to the Harry Potter phenomenon she created. Again, you can discuss anything you want and at this point, and spoilers are fair game. This probably goes wihtout saying, but when you post final thoughts you should have the novel completed.

Okay, formalities aside, we really just planned this read-along as a means to have fun and promote discussion! If you are thinking about reading the novel right away and want to join in, grab the button and link up! Also a big thanks to Beth for making an awesome button! 


  1. Such a great idea! Can't wait to read it!

    1. I can't wait either! Thanks for participating, Emma!

  2. I'm joining in! Just posted about it, what a great idea to read it before they hype-machine hits!

  3. You know, I really thought I would join you on this readalong, BUT...I had forgotten about a very important event in my literary life, which happens once every two or three years and happens to coincide with the release of Rowling's book.

    *cue 2001 Space Odyssey theme*


    Duhn duuuuuhn ! Dom Dom Dom Dom Dom!

    1. Ben I'm very excited for you! I know how much you love Lehane. Maybe you can participate in the next one, whenever that may be :)

  4. I'm tentatively in. I'm waiting for a copy to come in from the library because I refuse to pay the exorbitant price of the Kindle edition. Fingers crossed!

    1. Wow that is a crazy price! $18 for an ebook? Yikes! I keep my fingers crossed for you as well.

  5. Ok, I'm in. I was going to read it anway, I suppose. Might as well read it with some great blogger company! :-)

  6. I was debating but if I am going to read it anyway, I guess I should do it with all of you! I think I'll have to get it in hardcover because I agree with Nomadreader's assessment of the ridic Kindle ($18!!!!) price.

    1. Yes do it with us! And yes, I can not believe the Kindle price!

  7. I want to play. But I'm also doing a differnt readalong in October and I'm afraid of the commitment to 2 readalongs. We shall see. But I am looking forward to at least reading at least the first non-spoilery posts!

    1. Two read-alongs would be a lot. What is the one you're already doing?

    2. The Grapes of Wrath, which I'm tentative about cos I hated it in high school.

  8. I'll be joining in for sure! Can't wait for the book and this reading event. :)

    1. Awesome! I'm glad you're joining, Jenna! I can't wait to start either :)

    2. If there is no literary monolith present at that time, it will be a pleasure!

  9. I just joined -- so excited! I also just pre-ordered my copy and am anxious for it to get here!

    I'll be away from Sept. 27th - Oct. 1st, so I probably won't get a chance to start reading this until I get back.

    Thank you so much for hosting this!

  10. Just ordered the book online - really looking forward to it - I'm a bit of a Potter fan which causes my kids great amusement! Judy (I read, I sewed, I crocheted)

    1. I grew up with Harry Potter so I'm a big fan as well!

  11. I do not have a copy yet but will follow your progress with interest.

  12. Beth suggested I join and I am grateful she did. Cannot wait to see what everyone thinks...me included!

  13. I'm in...I decided to go ahead and read immediately to beat the hype as well. Don't want anything to spoil my first impression!

  14. Hi everyone - I will be reading along with you. Very curious to see how many people will have this book on the subway by friday. It's amazing that I have lived 37 years in this morden era and have no clue what the widget/button situation is all about. But still very happy to have something to look forward to and to expand on this literary event. Thanks!

    1. Hi Jay thanks for joining! It's okay about the button - it's not mandatory. ;)

  15. I'm excited about this one as well so I'd like to try to join the readalong. I'm officially on a blogging break but might come out just for this :-)

    1. Mrs. B that is an honor! Thank you for joining, I can't wait to hear your thoughts :)

  16. I so wanted to do this, but I just couldn't get my hands on a copy early enough. Can't wait to hear all of your thoughts.

  17. First thoughts and feelings : http://read-sew-crochet.blogspot.co.uk/2012/10/national-poetry-day.html

