
Water for Elephants Trailer

I read this book back in July and really enjoyed it. I've been eagerly waiting the trailer for the movie adaption and it's finally here! The movie is released April 2011. I'm looking forward to seeing Robert Pattinson in a role in which he will have skin color.


  1. All I can say is . . . YUM! Can't wait for April!!

  2. One of the best trailers I've ever seen. Maybe just because I love this book SO MUCH! Life really is the greatest show on earth.

  3. What a trailer! That movie looks awesome! A definie must-see!!

  4. Can't wait :-) Looks fantastic!

  5. Really looking forward to this one! Not sure how I feel about Pattinson, but he looks a decent fit from the previews, at any rate.

  6. Wow. This trailer is magical! I got quite emotional. Sheesh.

    I still haven't read the book, though I bought it a long time ago. I have a feeling I'll end up watching the movie first, since my pile of tbr is so huge.

  7. When you wrote "I'm looking forward to seeing Robert Pattinson in a role in which he will have skin color," I laughed out loud! And yet - so true, right?

    This was a fantastic book and I can't wait to see this movie - but I'm wondering how I feel about Reese Witherspoon in it? Still trying to work that one out.
